“Bonjour, French Santa!” You can’t visit Rome without pretending to be a gladiator!
If mischief was a middle name, he would have a copyright on it.
My 3rd son has always been terrible to travel with. I remember my very first flight with him to Puerto Rico. We were in business class at the very front of the plane. Right as the plane took off, nose towards the sky, this naughty 16 month old chucked his bottle to the floor and I watched, mortified, as it rolled down the aisle alllll the way to the back of the plane. Then he managed to grab his crayons and precede to do the same.
There was also his near naked stage, which he isn’t completely over, if I am being completely honest. *Covers face in shame!* I remember once on a flight in Central America. He was in the row across from me. I looked over and he was in his underwear. My mortification was a solid 12 out of 10!
And the meltdowns. Ohhhh, the meltdowns. Once when he was 3, we were visiting the Vatican Museum. I remember Nathan taking him into the courtyard where he melted down and screamed for what felt like an eternity. Nathan just sat there helpless because Q’s meltdowns were not consolable. They just had to run their course and then he would be fine. And these happened, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Buttttttt…remember that the things that cause us the most despair also bring us the most joy? Well, while he has caused me the lion share or my grey hair, he is simultaneously the BEST to travel with.
He makes new friends on every single trip we take. He is always the life of a party and makes everyone laugh. In Guatemala this summer, we went swimming at the hotel pool. There were some early-20 somethings swimming and the next thing I know, Q had them jumping through hoops for him, literally! I’m watching my son holding up a donut inner tube while people are diving through it and then doing the same for him.
In Costa Rica at the Hyatt, he swam and danced and played with a couple we met hanging out by the pool. A few hours later Q was sharing appetizers with them and the owner of a new hat and new best friends.
Once while walking the streets of San Juan del Obispo, an older gentleman was sitting on the sidewalk just relaxing. Q just walked up, gave a friendly “hola” and then sat next to him and just chilled until I caught up!
One of my favorite memories was in Morocco. We had just finished up dinner over in the Sahara desert. There were some young guys there hanging out and playing drums. Next thing I know, Quincy is right there, banging away on the drums while the young men cheered him on. He danced, and partied and laughed for hours with them!
I could go on and on.
I love this sour patch kid of mine so much and truly believe that his experiences he has had seeing the world has helped to shape the amazing little guy he is becoming.
Paul LoBo - Great photos. The light there at dusk really is magic. Jungle Lodge flashbacks: I was there in 2000.June 13, 2019 – 2:25 am
admin - Thanks so much, Paul! It’s truly incredible there.June 27, 2019 – 5:14 pm