
A blog about traveling with kids and using points and miles to do it
Back in August, I received a text message from the leader of our rafting mafia saying that there was a last minute trip to raft the Grand Canyon and he had a few seats left. With absolutely zero intention of going, I put my phone down and moved on with my day.
A few minutes later I got a phone call from the rafting man himself saying he had a seat left but I needed to let him know ASAP. Long story short, after he filled the seat and then someone backed out, I managed to throw together the beginnings of a very rough plan and told them I’d take the spot. With just two days left to prepare, I was starting to wonder what the heck I had committed to. The kids were beginning school, they had their first football games, my husband was in North Dakota working, and I had my own work assignments I had to get turned in.
The plan ended up coming together after lots of pleading and begging with family members and before I knew it, it was 5:30 am and I was loading my stuff into my ride to head to Lee’s Ferry.
Our trip there was nuts. We got not one but TWO flat tires. And I’m super fuzzy on the details, but somehow we also managed to lose a tire, as well. Anyway, it was crazy and we didn’t make it to Lee’s until 3am with a wakeup time of 5:30am. We didn’t even bother setting up camp that night. We just rolled out a blanket and slept on the raft on the side of the road.
The morning came fast and it was time to work. Because this is a private trip, we are all required to work and help get everything ready to go. If you haven’t ever seen everything that goes into prepping one of these rigs, well, believe me, it’s an insane amount of work. Once things were prepped and ready to go, we had to sit around and wait through the ranger orientation. Finally, by late afternoon, we were off.
Scouting out lava. These rapids may not look like much here, but they are the biggest rapids in the Grand Canyon and the Grand Canyon has the biggest raftable rapids in North America!
The weather was, in my opinion, absolutely perfect, but everyone else thought it was a little on the toasty side. 114 sitting in the blazing sun with gigantic red walls surrounding you and radiating that heat was a dream come true!
We saw the dead bats AFTER we walked through this disgusting water!!!
We spent 7 days on the river total. Normally the trip takes closer to 10-12 days, but with the higher water level and lots of hikes closed, we were able to fly through relatively quickly.
One of the hikes we did was up to the top of a waterfall called Deer Creek. It was one of the most incredible sites of the entire trip.
This was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever been on and my heart is still so full of gratitude and amazement that I got to participate. I met the most amazing people and saw the most wonderful parts of nature I never known existed if it wasn’t for this.
Anyway, I wanted to hurry and get this post up so I can delete the pictures off my computer and clear up some space. Hopefully I’ll take the time to get back on and write more of the details sooner or later!
I know it’s so cliche to say that I don’t know where the time went, but I’m going to say it anyway; I don’t know where the time went! I swear just yesterday I was losing my mind with a bunch of terrible toddlers terrorizing me and then I blinked and my babies became kids. Today, my very last baby graduated from preschool. The graduation was done parade style, except the spectators remained in their vehicles, as well. At the end, my family got together for a few hugs, congrats and photos! It was the perfect covid-style graduation!
I’m so proud of the sweet little person this daughter of mine has become. She has a heart of gold and lights up the whole room when she walks in. Her excitement and gratitude for her special day today could have made even the grumpiest person, which is actually myself, turn that frown upside down! Happy graduation, baby girl. I can’t wait to see the amazing things you accomplish in life.
I SUCK at blogging. I’ve been meaning to do this post for over a month now. *facepalm. Oh well. Better late than never, I guess.
Anyway…I knew I would love Ecuador. There was never any doubt about that. I’ve had this intense desire to visit for years. Any country with an incredible history, natural wonders, read: volcanoes, and an ancient culture that’s still very present today, like Ecuador, is bound to be amazing! So, when I started playing around with our United miles and saw Ecuador as an option, I jumped on the opportunity as fast as my crappy internet would let me.
Let me back track a bit and explain this trip. This was our summer of 2018 trip. We had started out in Guatemala, surprise. I used 12.5k AA miles and about $5.00 per person to get there from SLC. We stayed around 2 weeks there. Dropped a few points at the Hyatt Centric in GUA and then explored more of the country, staying in AirBnbs. Nathan joined us sometime during week 1, stayed for a week and then we all flew out of Guatemala City and went our separate ways.
I used United miles to get us out of Guate and onto our next destinations. First stop, which was actually just a super long layover, was Panama City. Unfortunately, due to some delays, we weren’t able to do any exploring. We just got to the airport, left the airport, hopped in an Uber, which was free since I had a ton of Uber credits and since Panama uses USD, I was able to use the credits there, and headed to the Hyatt Place downtown. 5k World of Hyatt points a night for any Hyatt hotel is an absolute steal, by the way. Sometimes I can’t believe so many of their properties exist that are only 5k points a night AND they give you free breakfast.
We headed out early the next morning and took a quick flight to Quito. The Quito airport is soooo far from the city, fyi. Probably the furthest out airport I’ve ever been to. We hopped in an Uber, once again using my credits because Ecuador also uses USD, and made the incredible drive over to our hotel in downtown Quito.
We opted for a Hilton property, the Hilton Quito Colon, this time since it was “cheap” and there are no Hyatts in Ecuador. The breakfast was very mediocre, but we really enjoyed the property overall. Side note, they are very strict about you either being the account owner or the owner actually staying to receive their status benefits at this Hilton. 5 stayed roughly days in Quito. Quito and the surrounding area is jam pack with amazing things to do. The historic city center is a must see. It’s one of the prettiest old towns I have ever seen. We spent another day riding the teleferico to the top of Quito and riding horses around the volcano overlooking the city. That was also such a fun experience, despite the horse running off with Carter. We took another day trip to explore the famous markets in Otavalo! Finally, we spent a day at the center of the world!
After 5 days, we rented a car and made our way to Banos, which means bath, not bathroom! We stopped at Cotopaxi, where we had a couple of strangers join us as we drove around the national park. We tried to drive up the mountain but our gutless wonder of a car stalled out and we had to have everyone jump out and push it to turn it around and drive back down. Good times. Good times!
Our 5 days in Banos were absolutely dreamy. We pulled in late that night and I accidentally walked into the wrong hotel, which ended up being a very fortunate mistake. We ended up staying there instead. Nicest staff in the world, by the way. I’ve been trying to find the name of the hotel, and as soon as I do, I’ll update this post with it.
In Banos, we adventured to our heart’s desire. The entire town is just one big adrenaline rush. Jump off a bridge for $20? They’ve got that. Ride a gigantic spinning ball over a massive canyon? They’ve got that too. Crazy swings of death. Yup! And it’s also the gateway to the Amazon rainforest, so just another bonus for this amazing little town.
When our 5 days ended, we hoped back into the car and headed back to Quito where we dropped off our ride and flew out to Colombia.
On a side note, driving in Ecuador was surprisingly easy. I found the roads very well maintained and easy to navigate. My maps were also very accurate, which was fortunate. The one thing that drove me crazy was the night driving. If a car thinks you are driving too slow, they will turn on their brights and get as close to you as possible until either you speed up or they pass.
I want to delve more into the points and miles we used for this portion of the trip. United did away with free stopovers and open jaws a few years ago, but they replaced it with their “excursionist perk.” You can read more about it and how to maximize it all in this article here written by my good amigo!
We used the perk to get us a round trip, Guatemala to Belize, with a nice jaunt throughout South America. Our flight originated in GUA, which took us to Quito, the free segment was Quito to Colombia, and the flight terminated in Belize. It “cost” 25k UA miles and some taxes and fees per person.
Looking back, I don’t know if it was the best use of miles ever, and the taxes and fees can add up fast when flying out of countries in Central America, but it was all worth it, that’s for sure.
Also, after I started going through my pictures, I realized I’m going to need to break this into two posts, so stayed tuned for part dos!
hector - Neat trip! Glad you did share it. Are the city photos at the top of Panama or Quito?
And how did you get so many Uber credits?!September 4, 2019 – 2:13 pm
admin - Sorry this comment is like a year later. The photos were in Quito! And Uber has/had a program called Visa Local Offers and it worked at Staples for a while when you would buy gift cards. I racked up. ton that way!July 1, 2020 – 3:24 pm
Jamie - You have quite the way with words and pictures! I never had a big desire to go to Ecuador before now!September 5, 2019 – 4:04 pm
admin - Sorry I’m just responding to this! Thanks so much for your sweet comments. I absolutely loved Ecuador; it’s one of my top 5 places for sure!December 5, 2019 – 8:04 pm